Ottawa & Gatineau Region

Welcome to Air Canada Pionairs Ottawa Gatineau District.

The name Ottawa (or adawe in Algonquin) means to trade and was the name given to the First Nations people who controlled trade along the river. Therefore, we acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg people. The Algonquin peoples have lived on this land since time immemorial. We are grateful to be present in this territory.

Our District consists of two main groups: one is located in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region and surrounding area; the other is concentrated in the Kingston area. The District Executive is based in Ottawa and organizes social activities during the calendar year, while members in the Kingston area now volunteer to organize and lead – on a rotational basis – monthly gatherings in a social setting.

We usually hold luncheons and other events in the spring, fall and early winter. We also issue by email District newsletters several times a year to announce planned events and keep our members informed on topics of interest.

Please join us at our events. And if you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer your time and talents, we welcome your involvement within the Ottawa Gatineau District Executive.

Detailed information is available to members after logging in


District Executive


Photo Gallery
