
The Okanagan Pionairs District was founded in 1993.

Our Okanagan District encompasses a large geographic area including the following Regions: Rocky Mountain, West Kootenay, Okanagan-Shuswap, Thompson-Nicola and part of the Cariboo. We have members as far North as Chetwynd, as far south as Osoyoos and Grand Forks, as far East as Baynes Lake, and as far west as 70 Mile House! However, the majority of our members reside in the Vernon – Kelowna – Penticton areas.

In November of 2023 our membership totalled 470, with 96% on email.

We usually have 2 – 3 functions throughout the year including a Christmas function as well as St Valentines and a Spring/Summer function. These functions are held in Kelowna and surrounding area. We welcome all Pionairs from other districts to attend any of our events.

Our Executive Team holds regular meetings as required, usually between 4 to 6 times per year. This team, their partners and other well-appreciated volunteers help to keep this District running.

Every Spring and Fall we send out our newsletter via email. Our Newsletters contain news and updates regarding Okanagan District and National Pionairs events, Pensions & Benefits, Travel, Employee Discounts, Membership News and Contact Information. In addition, several times a year we send out Touching Base Newscasts, via email, with Pionairs news and updates on upcoming events.

If you know any Air Canada or Canadian Airlines or their constituent airlines retirees who are not Pionairs, please encourage them to join. More members make our collective voice much stronger and more effective, when dealing with serious issues such as the protection of our pensions!

Thanks for visiting our web page!

Kent Gregoire,

District Director, Okanagan Pionairs

Detailed information is available to members after logging in


District Executive


Photo Gallery
