USA & Caribbean

This district covers the United States and the Caribbean, Central and South America.

This district spans a vast area, but our past employment with Air Canada unifies our membership. We share common interests and goals, as well as many fond (and not so fond!) memories.

We aim to provide retirees a way of keeping in touch with colleagues and the latest info relating to the Company. We hope to continue publishing a fun and informative newsletter, as well as providing alerts and information about ongoing activities, as well as expeditiously sharing news items of a critical nature. Due to cost constraints, we can best accomplish this electronically. The expense of purchasing materials, printing, and postage has increased considerably. The $ 17.00 USD annual fee has remained constant. For that reason, the previous board mailed out hard copies of their newsletter only once annually, but distributed electronic issues more frequently. Eighty four percent of our members have provided email contacts. Although we will continue providing one hard copy a year to those without email, we urge the remaining sixteen percent to please go to the website to sign up for email distribution.

You will enjoy many other advantages of embracing the “tech generation”. There is no cost to establish an email address. If you don’t own a computer, smart phone, or tablet, a family member, friend, or neighbor can assist. You can utilize a library, friend or neighbor’s device to “log on” and keep “up to date”. It’s easy, and provides a new and exciting learning experience. You will enjoy the ability to enlarge the font for easier reading rather than wearing those magnifying “readers” on the tip of the nose. You’ll enjoy shopping on Amazon or accumulating travel information and purchasing tickets on the web. Your favorite stores may even offer web discounts and free delivery. The endless info you have access to at your fingertips will likely become addictive. The convenience of electronic communication to stay in touch with children, grandchildren, out of town family members, and friends may prove to be the greatest reward for attempting what for for many is a new venture!

Please do keep us posted with items of interest in your area. We love receiving your airline related stories and anecdotes, as well as sharp, edited photos of your gatherings, or other pertinent information you wish to share with fellow retirees.

Please encourage colleagues not yet members of the Pionairs to become part of our Air Canada Retiree family.

Staying in touch is just a few easy clicks away.

Gloria and Diane

Detailed information is available to members after logging in


District Executive
